July 25, 2023
Most Obvious Statement of the Century coming to you in 3… 2… 1…
Sales pages are, like, really important for your business. Whether you’re launching something new or want to improve an offer you’ve had on the roster for a while, you’re going to have to create a sales page at some point in your business.
Second Most Obvious Statement of the Century: Sales pages are a lot of work. You have to write the copy, design the sales page, check the tech, and promote it so people actually buy.
That’s a huge undertaking — and I (Nicole here 👋) have heard so many business owners lament over how complicated it is to design a sales page when they don’t have any real design experience.
If you’re in DIY mode (by choice or by budget), you need to know how to design a sales page yourself, and that’s exactly what I’m gonna show you.
The video below is going to show you how you can DIY your own sales page without losing any hair or potential leads.
Also, shoutout to Christina Scalera for letting us use her sales page as an example! Be sure to check out the final product at D-Commerce Academy.
P.S. — If you’d rather read the notes, keep scrolling to catch the main points!
One of the most important things you can do when designing a sales page, no matter the length, is to make the biggest thing the biggest thing. Actually, this is my #1 tip for pretty much any design.
Because the goal of a sales page is to sell (Most Obvious Statement of the Century #3), you want to draw attention to specific sales points.
In this example, we made sure to call out phrases like “Save big!” because the purpose of the sales page was to show customers how they can bundle courses together and save money.
We also highlighted pain points, and visually drew attention to the answer…aka the product being sold.
And finally, we called out CTAs and buttons to purchase with bright colors to draw attention to the what we wanted people to do (purchase, of course!).
An added bonus? Making the biggest thing the biggest thing will help you design faster and keeps the process running smoother (with fewer, “Why did I even start this business” moments). You’ll find that your designs naturally become less cluttered and more intentional.
While you want to make the biggest thing the biggest thing, you also want to think about how people will flow through the page. You want their experience to feel natural. Like “Oh yeah, that information I was wondering about is exactly where I thought it would be.”
This can look like adding columns where needed, making sure buttons look like buttons, and adding additional descriptions where it makes sense.
Overall, you want to keep the copy on the sales page flowing in a natural, logical way. What makes the most sense in terms of how the design flows? Taking this into consideration will help people process information better and get to the main point (buying!) faster.
You want to keep the copy feeling on-brand, and make sure you call out asides. A good rule of thumb is that if it sounds like an aside, it needs to look like an aside, too. This can mean adding call-out boxes in fun shapes or with added graphics!
On a sales page, you’re bound to have lots of copy to convey all the important details. But be careful that you’re not keeping all that text grouped together in larger pieces. Otherwise, you risk your sales page looking like an academic paper rather than a fun and engaging web page.
To break things up and keep it simple, you can…
These things will keep your text easy to read, keep people from feeling overwhelmed, and help them get to the main point faster!
Sales pages aren’t the only thing you need to design on your website. You also need information on how to work with you, who you are, and what you do. Because a well-designed, easy-to-navigate website gives you the legitimacy of a fully branded and functioning business.
Plus putting the right amount of time and effort into your website helps people get excited about working with you, because it looks like you’re excited to be there!
So don’t let these eight mistakes kill your vibe (plus catch tips on what to do if you see them on your current site).
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